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5 Steps to Prevent Pressure Ulcers

Pressure ulcers, pressure sores, pressure wounds, skin breakdown, decubitus ulcers or skin breakdown – it doesn’t matter what you want to call an open wound from constant pressure. Grouping all those terms under a single description of Deep Tissue Injury or DTI, these injuries can be dangerous to the point of death if not properly treated.

So it is very important that steps are taken to prevent the development of a DTI rather than to have to deal with a wound after it develops. Continue reading 5 Steps to Prevent Pressure Ulcers

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What is New About Pressure Ulcers?

Pressure sores, pressure ulcers, pressure wounds, decubitus ulcers bedsores all names of what we commonly include as skin breakdown. These wounds and their terms have been around for a long time – so what is new?

Here is a new term – Deep Tissue Injury (DTI). In several articles published in Mobility Management in 2014 there is new light on tissue deformation and how this internal deformation can cause Deep Tissue Injuries that can be even more insidious than traditional pressure ulcers. DTI is harder to identify and observe than the typical pressure ulcer. Research by Amit Gefen, Ph.D. and professor of biomedical engineering at Tel Aviv University has adopted an unconventional, but very effective approach to understanding the forces from within the body that eventually lead to skin breakdown. Continue reading What is New About Pressure Ulcers?

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What Causes Pressure Wounds?


Your current seat cushion or wheelchair cushion could be part of the issue

What is a Pressure Wound?

A pressure wound is known by various names: pressure sore, pressure ulcer, decubitus ulcer and skin breakdown – to name a few. It is an injury to the skin and/or tissues under the skin. Constant pressure on an area of skin reduces blood supply to the area. Over time, it can cause the skin to break down and form an open sore or ulcer. Pressure wounds are more likely to occur if an individual is confined to a bed or wheelchair.

Pressure sores most often form on the skin over bony areas where there is little cushion between the bone and the skin. Most pressure sores form on the lower part of the body, including over the tailbone and on the back along the spine, on the buttocks and on the hips. They also can form in other areas of the body such as the heels or back of the head – wherever constant pressure is exerted on the skin. For the purposes of this article, we will focus our attention to the pressure wounds that can occur at the tailbone (coccyx) and the butt bones (ischial tuberosity’s). Continue reading What Causes Pressure Wounds?

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How Can I Prevent Pressure Sores?


Preventing pressure sores is always better than treating one

Pressure wounds, pressure sores, pressure ulcers or skin breakdown, are different names of an injury to the skin or to the tissues under the skin. These wounds occur more often in older people, whose skin has become thinner and less elastic.

While the prevention of pressure sores is easier than to treat after they occur, that doesn’t mean the process is easy or uncomplicated. Also, even with following the appropriate care, pressure sores can still develop. Continue reading How Can I Prevent Pressure Sores?

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What is the Best Wound Care for Ulcer Treatment?


Pressure wounds, pressure sores, pressure ulcers, decubitus ulcers can be serious. Proper wound care is important.

Addressing the many aspects of wound care usually requires a multidisciplinary approach. Members of your care team may include:

  • A primary care physician who oversees the treatment plan
  • A physician specializing in wound care
  • Nurses or medical assistants who provide both care and education for managing wounds
  • A physical therapist who helps with improving mobility
  • A dietitian who monitors your nutritional needs and recommends an appropriate diet

Continue reading What is the Best Wound Care for Ulcer Treatment?